Quick Tips on How to Improve Your Site's Relevance
There’s a bunch of initial things that we do when we launch a new website or we take over an existing website.
1. Optimise the web page’s title.
First thing is we optimise the web page the web page’s title.
2. Optimise the web page’s meta description.
The second thing the we do, we optimise the web page’s meta description. We go through the whole website if it’s existing, and we clean all those up. That has a huge effect.
3. Make sure that keywords are in the URL descriptions
The third thing that we do is we look at the URL descriptions and we make sure that the keywords are in there. So, yourdomainname.com/relevant-content/ is an example.
If you’re writing about on that page, if you’re talking about divorce lawyers, you might call it, divorcelawyers.com/choose-divorce-lawyers/.
That might just sound simple, but it’s very important to the search engine — they are just robots figuring out what exactly it is that you are talking about.
4. Develop long-form content
Speaking about what you are talking about, you need to develop long-form content. So who are you? What are you talking about?
The search engine bot comes along sees your website. Okay, you say that you’re a legal firm specialising in divorce, but are you? Are you a legitimate company? Are you trying to mislead people? Which country are you in? How much of an authority are you about the topic that you claim to be you’re expert in?
So by writing long-form content, essentially, pages and blog posts that people find interesting and relevant, you show that credibility to the search engines. People, they already know and trust come to your site, read this content, find it interesting down the page, click to the other articles. That to the search engine is proof of credibility to you.
5. Make sure that you have all the relevant tags and relevant keywords.
When you’re creating those posts, you need to make sure that you have all the relevant tags and relevant keywords. You need to use keywords in the headings as well as in the URLs as I’ve mentioned, and you need to, as I’ve mentioned in the past, to optimise all your images for different devices, optimise the pages for different devices.
These are just some examples of the things that we do systematically through a website. Either when we take it over, we go back into a big historical and that might take us a month – six weeks sometimes if its a big website. If it’s new site, we have rules around how each blog and each page and post is built so that we communicate effectively with the search engine.
6. Relevance means being honest and genuine about your site’s content.
Ultimately, what you’re really talking about site’s relevance is talking about being honest, being genuine about what you do, what you offer, who it’s relevant to, where you can and can’t help.
If you can do that, if you take that approach, then the search engine — and of course optimise all the relevant tags, etc. — the search engines will figure out what you’re about and where you fit in the digital universe. And then from then on, you start to have traffic, and you’re next challenge is to keep that traffic engaged and keep them doing the things that you want them to do and that meet their needs like filling out the contact form.